| About 1.2% Drinkable Water
Nearly 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water, one of the most abundant and essential resource required for the sustenance of life on Earth. The quantity of water present is in trillions of gallons, but shockingly, a meager amount of it is able to sustain life, a surprising “1.2%” of freshwater. All life forms on Earth – humans, plants and animals are reliant on it—and it’s rapidly diminishing.
Over the decades, various organizations have pointed out the rapid decline in the per capita availability of water. The growth in the global population, pollution, climate change and overuse are cited as the reasons for the dwindling number. According to the United Nations, by the end of 2025 more than 60 percent of the world population could be victims of water scarcity – a grave concern. The already meagre 1.2%, the slight percentage that is the lifeline of all creatures in the world, faces serious threats.......
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